1986 Administrative order 157.
Protects “Kapis” shells Placuna placenta. You need a permit, shells of less than 80 mm cannot be colected etc…

Administrative order 158.
Prohibits gathering, taking, collecting and possessing for sale of mollusks belonging to the genera Triton, Charonia and Cassis.

1990 Fisheries Administrative Order 168.
Prohibits gathering of wild Tridacna derasa, T. gigas and Hippopus porcellanus. One needs a permit from the regional Director to gather Haliotis, Trochus, Voluta, Mitra, Strombus, Murex, Oliva, Conus, Cypraea, Lambis, Harpa, Tridacna, Hippopus, Pinctada, Pteria, Placuna, Amusium, Paphia, Katelsia, Atrina, Tapes, Anadara and Pharella.

2001 Fisheries Administrative Order 208.
Prohibits taking, gathering or causing to be taken 27 species of gastropods, 2 species of bivalves and 7 species of giant clams.

Download the GTO Poster with
the forbidden seashells of the Philippines


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Studies have shown that none of these species are endangered. Recluzia lutea, Malluvium lissum, Eufistulina mumiae and Strombus thersites have not been recorded in the Philippines since the law was issued. Morum watsoni is known from one juvenile specimen in the BMNHN. All other shells are very common in their respective biotopes, but the law is the law in this particular case.

ALL SHELLS EXPORTED FROM THE PHILIPPINES need a BFAR PERMIT (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) which states the content of the parcel together with an invoice and matching names. No shells from CITES or shells forbidden by Adm. Order 208 can be included in these parcels.

This permit is also needed to bring your shells collected yourself in the Philippines outside the country.